Wednesday 7 December 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba Commentary (to be ongoing)

I like this show. It is aimed at parents who want to think they are still cool and I have bought into it as whole heartedly as Riker concurring to disengaging the self destruct sequence (7:39)

I can never tell if it is Stewart or Picard who has more disdain for Frakes or Riker in this scene.

Today we watched an episode called Imagine. It was just OK but what stood out about it was the first five minutes where DJ Lance explains and then show what imagination is. His explanation is succinct. It is a special power we all have where you pretend in your head. He then goes on to imagine and it is shown via thought bubbles.

This is where I take umbrage. First of all, he imagines Foofa. Why Foofa when you have Plex? It just doesn't make any sense. Next, all Foofa is doing is learning how to use her imagination and is being taught by whatever the blue walrus one's name is, Toody I think.

So DJ Lance is fan ficting away about Foofa and Toody imagining they are in the Ocean. It's the Inception homage sequence.
Brobie is looking for magic beans and Toody says she has some and infact is magic herself and can fly! When Plex (Team Plex) calls her out on it, she admits she was lying instead of just saying she was using her imagination. She had an easy out considering the theme of the show. They sing her a song about not lying to your friends which is actually pretty hard core. "Why would you lie? I thought we were friends?" Rough stuff.

I learned where the expression "Hang Ten" comes from but you'll have to watch the episode to gleam that information (Hint: You can also google it)

The rest of the episode is same as it ever was. Penelope is an OK at best dancer. Julia does the Robot and it is amazing. The Shins are the Music Friends and the song is pretty catchy. It's all about winning and loosing and how both are OK and crying after either regardless. Foofa gets caught in a maze and probably almost starves to death. Broby is going through one of his depressive stages but is brought back up to manic by being brought balloons. So, I am glad that worked out.

The balloons are not in funny shapes, unless you think round is funny.

On the subject of...Strawberry Milk

I was in the grocery a couple of days ago. I do all the shopping now. It turns out that fast efficient on budget shopping is one of my hidden talents. Might have gotten "throw a ball through a hoop" but such is life.

I pass down an aisle, the just add powder to liquid to make it less healthy aisle, and hear a mom ask her child, "Do you want any strawberry milk?"

The question instantly takes me aback.

She just asked a little kid if he wanted any strawberry milk. What a pointless waste of time. Of course he wants strawberry milk. He is four and it's strawberry milk. I want strawberry milk. I did not get anything that day but it is legitimately all I think about now when I pour a glass of cow flavored milk.

So, I think about parenting and how maybe she just wants him involved in the process or maybe they have a rule where he doesn't ask for things in the store and she picks a few exception type items to ask him if he wants and maybe he can say yes to up to three. Or perhaps he has an allergy to strawberries but he really loves them and she is trying to train him to say no to strawberry in all its guises. It occurs to me know that she might have meant opposed to chocolate, though in that case, just buy both.

Basically, I start writing fan fic (I write a lot of instant fan fiction in my head) about the rules in their house regarding grocery shopping and how I might apply similar rules someday. Though, mainly, I think about what a patronizing question that is. She know damn well that kid wants some strawberry milk and her tone implies said knowledge.

I mean it could be possible that I am putting too much thought into this. It could have been a simple question and I saw her put it in the basket so I don't think it was the allergy scenario. Though, the more I think about it, she could be playing the long game.